Posts tagged with truck and trailer repair Oakville

  • 14
  • Aug2024

Commercial EV Hype Cycle Ending

Commercial EV Hype Cycle Ending

The past few years, we’ve lived through a number of technology hype cycles. Each one promises miraculous benefits, if one can suspend disbelief and invest in the vision yet to be born. Such as electrification of heavy-duty truck fleets. Trade magazines are filled with sponsored content suggesting that it’s just the right time to buy […]

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  • 06
  • May2024

Safer Industry Long-Term

Safer Industry Long-Term

The ongoing “freight recession” is the worst down cycle in many professionals’ careers and causing companies to cease operations. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Warren Buffet is famous for the quote, “A rising tide floats all boats…only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.” A deeper meaning to what […]

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