Posts tagged with truck repair

  • 17
  • Dec2024

It’s Time to End the Carbon Tax

It’s Time to End the Carbon Tax

This year, the federal government will collect nearly $12 Billion in revenue through the Carbon tax. According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), our country’s largest association of truckers and owner-operators, about $ 2 Billion of that amount will come from long-haul truckers. Canada’s carbon levy began in 2019 at $ 20 per tonne and […]

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  • 28
  • Jun2019

Buddy, can you spare a tech?

Buddy, can you spare a tech?

We intensified our focus on recruitment and retention of Truck and Trailer technicians in earnest about a year ago.  Maybe that wasn’t soon enough and in hindsight I had no idea it would become our new normal.  The talk of attracting and recruiting technicians is a daily conversation. When we attended a Centennial College Apprentice […]

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  • 09
  • Nov2018

Why is There a Variance in Shop Labour Rates?

Why is There a Variance in Shop Labour Rates?

When comparing labour rates at a repair facility, many people believe that a cheaper hourly rate equates to a lower cost.  This is equivalent to the idea that a cooked burger made with regular ground beef will weigh the same as one made with lean ground beef. A pound is not a pound.  One contains […]

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